Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, April 3, 2023
Now You Will See Great Disasters Unleashed Everywhere. Italy Will Be Put in Great Pain!
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of March 29, 2023

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I bless you.
My children, here I am: I am here in your midst and with you I pray the Holy Rosary, with you I beseech God's mercy and the early return of Jesus to Earth.
The times are quite painful My children:
now you will see great disasters breaking out everywhere. Italy will be put in great pain! Men are prey to the things of the world; they prefer the world to the salvation of their own souls. Heaven is tired of waiting for men's conversion!
God is in a hurry to intervene: He must open a new world for His Children:
those Children who have wept so much and still weep in their immolation; they have left the world, surrendered themselves totally to God for the accomplishment of His Work. They are the "beloved Children of the Father," they are those who will soon begin a new generation, those who will bring to the New People the knowledge of the Things that God has revealed in these times. Oh! My children!
Today you will see with your own eyes the fulfillment of all the prophecies announced from Heaven. Just a little longer and you will be taken up from on High, you will be prepared and invested with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, then you will return here, to recover a lost people. You will tell them about the deeds of the great Master Jesus Christ and your "yes" to following Him. Oh! Beloved children of your Heavenly Mother,
I hold you close in My Heart: never will I forsake you, I will sustain you in your falls, I will help you to rise again and give you of Me, always. ... do not let your being fall! In this time, man will fall into affliction
because he will lose his job, ... he will lose everything, he will be denuded of all his possessions, he will also lose his dignity because of the unrighteous man. Yes! My children, you are entering a situation of great sorrow:
despair for those who have turned away from God, who have not wanted to respond to God, who still clothe themselves with the lights of this world. Oh My children! My children!
What are you getting at?
Where do you want to get to!
The cause is in the Church!
Priests no longer respond to God's rules, they go hand in hand with the one who destroyed God's rules and imposed his own. A shambles My children! A shambles! Immense sorrow, for the One who gave His own life so that His Church could triumph. My blessed children,
this is the hour of the great passion!
This is the hour of Golgotha!
It is the hour of Golgotha, My children!
You do not want to react, you do not want to rise from your falls; you are proud to the point of wanting to give up living: ... you prefer death to life! My children, oh you who still follow Me and follow Heaven's messages with affection, giving your whole being for the accomplishment of the Work of Salvation:
you will be enabled to have no pain, neither physical nor spiritual; I hold you by the hand, I guard you in My Heart, I join My hands to your hands, I pray this holy Rosary with you! I am with you My beloved children, ...I am with you!!! The earth is shaking everywhere My children, expect now a great disaster for Italy!
Our Lady warns us that soon a great volcano will erupt in Italy: ... weeping and gnashing of teeth for her Children!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Source: ➥